Yes, preschoolers CAN "do art", and by themselves, too.  There are a few rules of thumb, though. First, focus on process not product.  Second, it WILL be messy and that's OK.  Art for young preschoolers is all about experimenting and learning.  The finished product may not look like art, but be assured the whole creativity and discovery process is a valuable learning process.

I firmly believe one of the basic success to preschool art is having a well-stocked cabinet of art supplies. Mine is actually a cabinet, but the most important part is that it's easily accessible so when your preschooler's creative juices start flowing, you can quickly grab the materials.

Another key to success is having a good collection of ideas.  I made a "Binder 'O Fun" to organize the various ideas I find.  A few tabs to categorize it and it's been a valuable tool for art ideas.  


Art for the Under 3 Crowd:

(but still fun for the Over 3 Crowd, too)

More Preschool Art Ideas: 



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