American Revolution Resources

Note: See also Paul Revere Resources

Resource Type Title/Author Comments Check Out Again? Rating
Book/Library And Then What Happened Paul Revere?; Fritz, Jean Well written with lots of good information Y 5
Book/Library Paul Revere (What Was It Like?); Weinberg, Lawrence  Nicely done., a good read aloud book Y 5
Book/Library The Story of The Green Mountain Boys (Cornerstones of Freedom); Clinton, Susan Long, but my five year-old eagerly sat through it twice; good info, fascinating Y 5
Book/Library George Washington; Harness, Cheryl Extensive information about George Washington as a young man and then adult Y 5
Book/Library Yankee Doodle, A Revolutionary Tail [sic]; Chalk, Gary Using animals instead of people is a pet peeve of mine, but my boys really liked this book; overview of the Revolutionary War put to the tune of Yankee Doodle Y 4
Book/Library The Declaration of Independence; (Cornerstones of Freedom); Stein, R. Conrad Not as compelling as its sister book above; good information but my boys could never sit still through it N 2
Book/Library Home Life in Colonial America; Samuel, Charlie Nice reference for the times of the American Revolution Y 5
Book/Library Inventors and Inventions in Colonial America; Samuel, Charlie Good, interesting information on what technology was like in Colonial America Y 4
Book/Library Boston Tea Party, Rebellion in the Colonies (Adventures in Colonial America); Knight, James E. With tape, told in the form of a letter from Benjamin Hatcher to William Yancy; nicely done Y 5
Book/Purchase ...If You Lived at the Time of the American Revolution; Moore, Kay Scholastic book in question/answer format; good information, nicely readable Y 5
TV/Video Liberty's Kids; PBS As long as you're willing to run interference with standard PBS biases, it's a good series. It was the impetus for our study. Y 5
Website BrainPOP ( Do two activities free per day or purchase a subscription to watch unlimited movies. The link is to the overall movie, however, there are several on the American Revolution. Y 5
Field Trip Colonial Michilimackinac; Fort Mackinac; Colonial Williamsburg; Fort Ticonderoga; Yorktown Victory Center; etc See Fort Tours for additional sites Y 5


Ratings: 5=Excellent, 4=Good, 3=Average, 2=Fair, 1=Poor