Building Resources

Resource Type Title/Author Comments Check Out Again? Rating
Book/Library How a House is Built; Gibbons, Gail Very good explanation even for young preschoolers X 5
Book/Library Up Goes the Skyscraper; Gibbons, Gail Perfect for curious preschoolers. Factual, but not too indepth X 5
Video/Library How Do They Build Bridges?; Popular Mechanics Video, Hearst Broadcasting Publication Nicely done. Information on different kinds of bridges as well as how they're built. X 5
Video/Library How Do They Build Tunnels?; Popular Mechanics Video, Hearst Broadcasting Publications Good video X 5
Video Series There Goes A Bulldozer/Dump Truck/etc.; Dave Hood Entertainment; Kid Vision  Great series. Definitely hokey for adults but kids enjoy it. Lots of good information in an entertaining & kid friendly video   5
Toy K'nex  The boys have more success with the "little kids" set: the fun pack w/ the scoop   5
Toy Brio Builder Set Lots of building opportunities here as well as learning to read "plans"   5
Toy Lincoln Logs Logic, plans and sheer fun   5

Ratings: 1= Excellent,2= Good, 3=Average, 4=Fair, 5=Poor