Firefighter Resources

Resource Type Title/Author Comments Check Out Again? Rating
Book/Library A Day With Firefighters (Welcome Books: Hard Work); Kottke, Jan Very nice, child-friendly X 5
Book/Library Fighting a Fire: Look and Learn Books; Williams, Brenda Good detail, nicely accurate X 5
Book/Library Book on "Fire Safety", title & author not recorded Book should detail what to do when there's a fire, including not hiding from firemen, and that children should never play with matches X 5
Field Trip Local Firehouse during October, fire safety month Learn what to do when there's a fire, how to prevent fires   5
Activity Fire Drill Practice crawling, feeling doors, stuffing blankets under door if hot, yelling & banging on window   5


Ratings: 5= Excellent, 4= Good, 3=Average, 2=Fair, 1=Poor