Niagara Falls Resources

Resource Type Title/Author Comments Check Out Again? Rating
Book/Library Waterfalls: Nature's Thundering Splendor; Wood, Jenny Lots of good information, very good pictures and illustrations Y 5
Book/Library The Wonder of a Waterfall (Rookie Read-About Science); Fowler, Allan Simple, a good introduction Y 5
Book/Library All About Niagara Falls; Granfield, Linda In-depth book, well done Y 5
Book/Library Niagara Falls (Wonder Books); Klingel, Cynthia and Noyed, Robert B. Simple introduction to Niagara Falls Y 5
Video/Library Atlantic Vistas; Reader's Digest video Covers various natural wonders in the eastern U.S.; nice coverage of Niagara Falls Y 4
Fieldtrip Nearby waterfall or cascade Learn information about the waterfall including  height, gallons per minute and other stats to compare against Niagara; talk about waterfall safety Y 5


Ratings: 5=Excellent, 4=Good, 3=Average, 2=Fair, 1=Poor