United States Resources

Resource Type Title/Author/Supplier Comments Recommend? Rating
Student Workbook Fifty States Under God; Dean, Joy Covers states in order of statehood. Basic facts, including historical, geographical, & economic, are presented w/ activities such as affixing copies of state flag, seal, animal, etc. (included) to workbook pages.  Can be self directed. Y 4
Reference/Atlas North American Atlas for teens; AAA Includes excellent map, & good supplemental information, color photographs, & timeline. A tad dated in population numbers, etc. Y 3
Placemat WalMart placemat map of USA I found them at 99 cents each. It never ceases to amaze me just how much kids can learn from a placemat! Y 5
Television Series The States; History Channel 10 part series. Each episode covers 5 states. Often plays on the History Channel. Mostly OK, but some revisionist history. Y 4
Television Series How the States Got Their Shapes; History Channel Tells the story of why geographic boundaries are where they are. Y 4
Timeline Class Project Use banner paper or poster board cut in 2 the long way. This is also a good place to place important historic occurrences so they can be seen in context. Y 5
Software Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego?; Broderbund Software Fun and educational Y 5
Website History Channel's Place the State Game 3 levels of play, place the state in its correct location. The beginner level is pretty good. Levels beyond that seem a bit too complex to be useful. Y 3


Ratings: 5=Excellent, 4=Good, 3=Average, 2=Fair, 1=Poor


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