Mesopotamia Resources

Resource Type Title/Author Comments Recommend? Rating
Book The Sumerians; Kirkpatrick, Naida Good read-together book/ pseudo-text Y 5
Book The Pocket Timeline of Ancient Mesopotamia; Wiltshire, Katharine Good information & timeline Y 5
Book The Sumerians; Shuter, Jane For those at a lower reading level, this provides good information. Y 5
Book LIFEPAC History & Geography Grade 6 Unit 2 Cradle of Civilization Christian. A bit dry, but good information. Y 3
Book Gilgamesh; McCaughrean, Geraldine Retelling by award-winning author. Very good read-together book. Y 5
Book Amazing Facts in World History Grades 5-8+; Blattner, Don Useful in multiple history units. Contains fun quizzes with amazing facts about Mesopotamia. I'd say the Grades rating is a bit high; I used it with a 4th grader. Y 4
Book World Map Skills; Carson-dellosa Publishing LLC Map work related to the fertile cresent, including natural resources Y 4
Book Ancient Science; Wiese Jim Good hands-on science experiments with good explanations, too. Y 5
Activities Teachers' Tips for Hammurabi's Code of Laws; Martin, Phillip Well done ideas for actually studying Hammurabi's Code. Good tie-ins to art, drama, literature, writing, math, science, technology, and even home-ec. Mr. Martin's whole site is a treasure of information. Y 5
Science Experiments Farming in Ancient Mesopotamia: An Ancient Civil Engineering Problem; Victorine, Alie Absolutely GREAT hands-on lesson in ancient science. Y 5
Timeline Timeline History through the Ages Creation to Christ; Pak, Amy Great for wall display, or for making individual timelines. Black line drawings copy well. Y 5
Website BrainPop Always a good resource, BrainPop currently has 1 related movie: Sumerians Y 5
Website Mesopotamia at The British Museum Great site with good quality, appropriately thorough, information, also contains interactive sections. Y 5


Ratings: 5=Excellent, 4=Good, 3=Average, 2=Fair, 1=Poor

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