It’s taken days of tediously copying files in 6-20 file batches into the new site, but it appears it’s mostly restored. For whatever reason, copying whole directories resulted in copious quantities of files with a size of 0 bytes. Others didn’t copy at all. It’s unclear why.
Today it’s been timeouts on directory changes and very slow response times on file copies in addition to needing to copy in small batches. Directory fetches can take 5-10 minutes and then fail.
I’d hoped Peasleburg Academy would be up this afternoon or early this evening, but that’s now slipping. It’s close — most of the raw information is there — but the navigation files are missing. Navigation is doable using lots of scrolling and the browser back button, but the pages look bad.
So, it’s on it’s way. It’s close. It’s just not quite here, yet.