Making Jellyfish

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The Secretary created his own craft -- a jellyfish!! One day while rummaging through his extensive research file (read: toy cupboard), he excitedly came out, proclaiming, "Hey! We can make a jellyfish out of this!" And, he did. 

At least half of that cheesy smile is for the fun of completing his own design. When dancing with jellyfish, one must be very careful not to step on the tentacles. A jellyfish on the head is better than two in the surf.

Proud of his creation, The Secretary poses for an official photograph. Maintenance and repair are important skills when in the business of world exploration. Jellyfish are fun! The Secretary explores the world of tentacles. 

 "I can seeeeeeeee you!" "Is this the correct positioning for my arm for the jellyfish cha-cha?" "...and I though trying to keep from tripping over my two feet was hard."

The world looks strangely different when filtered through a jellyfish.  It's a little known fact that jellyfish are quite adept at dancing. It's all part of world exploration, of course. Contemplating the global problem of tentacle entanglement, The Secretary attempts a ground-breaking solution.


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